The Motor Caravanners' Club
Avon Group
Minutes of Committee Meeting held at Chew Valley School on Saturday 31 October 2015
Meeting commenced at 15.10
CHAIRMAN Trevor Dash
SECRETARY Mike Edmonds
Trevor started the meeting by thanking us all for our support to him and it was nice to have 2 new faces on Committee.
Mike Stock has offered to join the Committee and it was unanimously agreed that he could be co-opted on.
Trevor then put a suggestion forward asking was it feasible to have future AGM`s earlier in the year simply to relieve the pressure on the Committee for planing the imminent rallies?
Mike E would find out what dates the AGM could be held. ( Post meeting the earliest would be 17th September and the end of November at the latest )
The matter of starting rallies at 1400 hrs was discussed, with the feeling that this was virtually impossible to be done on certain rallies (the balloon fiesta being a prime example) and as this decision was made in the members meeting it was purely advisory. Tony will look at the programme and adjust where he deems fit.
Christmas Dinner/Dance - Carol will do the name plates and also the table Nos and along with Pet would sort out the sugar almonds parcels. We will also do a lucky No. Plate draw as well as the lucking No in the card. Mike will print out the No. Plates and Kay will take charge of the cards. Pet will get the raffle prizes (which will take place on Saturday at 3.30 p,m alongside the punch and mince pies.
New Year - The entertainer for Valentines will pop in on 30th to gauge what sort of music makes us tick. Mike will make up some quizzes and there were suggestions of a Beetle Drive, Pass the parcel, tea and cakes and the Wii.
Some felt the New Year poster looked a bit of a jumble so Carol and Mike would look at changing the layout.
Trevor has bought more netting for the balloons and will stitch them together to double its size. We will put about 12 tickets in the balloons but there will only be 1 winner.
June and Pet will source decorations.
Pete has asked that his payment be increased to £70.00. This was unanimously approved.
It was thought that the A3 size rally programme sheet needed reinstating. Mike said he would look into this.
{Post meeting Kay has a friend that will do this at his works FOC)
If the website proves an obstacle Trevor and Carol will do some investigations at alternatives.
If we do not own a laminator it was thought it would be a useful and inexpensive item to have.
There were 3 cheques that bore Christine`s signatures so it was decided that the easiest course of action to take was to destroy them.
The weight of the host box was beginning to cause some concern. The First Aid box could be replaced with a smaller zip pouch one (post meeting it has been checked and found to be out of date)
The Fire Extinguishers would have to be reviewed next year due to new regulations coming into force.
It was decided to change the wording in the rally book and the web from “Rally Fee” to “ Admin Fee” and hope this would stop any more confusion.
All Committee members should have a list of group members.
Mike will print a page of photos of Committee members along with their positions for insertion into the rally booklet.
The next meeting will be at The Castle School, Thornbury at the Valentines rally.
The meeting closed at 16.40.
Signed as a true copy by T. Dash (Chairman)
Date:- 11 December 2015